

adj. 道德的,道义的 
n. 教育意义,寓意;道德,伦理  

来源于拉丁语名词mos, moris, m(习惯,行为,方式)派生的moralis(道德的)。

拆分: -mor-习惯,行为,方式 + -al形容词词尾 ⇒ 道德就是人的习惯和行为方式。  

a moral person.
moral principles. 道义。 
Don’t you try to take the moral high ground with me! You’re just as bad as I am! 你别想拿道德来压我!你不比我好到哪里去! 
Tom refused to join the army, believing that he had no moral right to kill. 汤姆认为自己在道义上无权杀人而拒绝入伍。 
It is not moral to do so. 这样做是不讲道义的。 
He turns every subject into a moral discussion. 他把每个论题都变成了道德的讨论。
the corruption of public morals. 公共道德的堕落。 
He has absolutely no morals, that man! 那家伙毫无道德! 
Women who went to pubs alone would sometimes be assumed to have loose morals. 独自去酒吧的女人有时会被认为品行不端。