

n. 监督,管理  

拆分: super-上,超过 + -vis-看见 + -ion名词词尾 ⇒ 从上往下看,即监管,的行为。     

a lack of supervision 缺乏监督
Trainees will receive personal supervision from experienced staff. 见习人员会由有经验的员工亲自指导。 
They still require supervision by skilled colleagues. 他们仍然需要技术熟练的同事的指导。 
the supervision of a production line. 生产线的监督。 
Children are not allowed to swim without adequate supervision. 没有充分的监护儿童不得游泳。 
under the close supervision of her teachers  在她的老师们的悉心指导下