

n. 必然性,必要性,(迫切)需要;(pl.)必需品;需要 

拆分: ne-否定 + -cess-行走,退让离开 + -ity名词词尾离不开的   

Necessity is the mother of invention. [谚]需要是发明之母。 
the necessity for law and order. 法律和秩序的必要性。 
the necessity of growing old. 衰老的必然性。 
A good book is a necessity when travelling. 出门旅行时,一本好书是必不可少的。 
The visit will, of necessity, be brief. 访问时间势必会很短暂。 
He is changing job out of necessity, not because he particularly wants to. 他不得已才换工作,并非是自己特别愿意。