

n. 清白;无辜;天真,单纯

拆分: in-不,无,非 + -noc-伤害 + -ence名词词尾 ⇒ 不伤害人  

He had lost the innocence of childhood. 他已经失去了少年时代的天真。 
She replied to her father’s accusations in tones of injured innocence. 她用一种无辜受累的口气回答父亲的谴责。 
She claimed total innocence of all charges. 她声称自己完全是清白的,所有的指控都不成立。 
The accused man proved his innocence of the crime. 被告人经证实无罪。 
His innocence was proved at last. 他的清白终于得到了证实。 
She has the innocence of a child. 她有小孩般的天真。