

n. 旅游业,观光团 

拆分: -tour-迂回,转 + -ism名词词尾,行为,现象 

income from tourism  旅游业收益 
an economy exclusively geared towards tourism  单纯发展旅游业的经济 
The city is finally realizing its tourism potential. 该市终于让旅游潜力得到发挥。 
In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism. 在此旅游胜地,您可尽享现代旅游的舒适便利。 
Lisbon's foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism. 由于旅游业的严重滑坡,里斯本的外汇收入大受影响。 
Some accommodation between conservation and tourism is essential. 自然环境的保护与旅游业之间的相互协调是至关重要的。