

vt. 平息,抚慰;绥靖,姑息  

拆分: ap-朝,向,接近 + -pac-和平元音a被加长为ea,cs辅音互换peas和平 + -e动词词尾  

to appease sb.'s anger 平息某人的怒气 
to appease sb.'s curiosity 满足某人好奇心 
Water appeases thirst. 水能解渴。 
He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy. 他试图给那个啼哭的孩子糖果使他不哭。 
Amendments have been added to appease local pressure groups. 为平息当地压力集团的不满而作了修改。 
We give to charity because it appeases our guilt. 我们捐钱给慈善机构因为这能减轻我们的负罪感。